Robustness of Optimal Circadian Rhythm Entrainment under Model Perturbation


The optimal circadian rhythm entrainment problem has been studied based on mathematical models, e,g, the Kronauer model. In this paper, we study the robustness of light-based circadian rhythm entrainment under model parameter perturbations as well as propose a feedback control law to improve the robustness of the entrainment strategy. Circadian misalignment has negative impacts on health, such as higher risks of cardiovascular disease and cancer. We present a numerical study of how well optimized circadian rhythm entrainment plans that are derived from a generic mathematical model work on personalized cases.

Zidi Tao, Agung Julius, John T. Wen (2023). Robustness of Optimal Circadian Rhythm Entrainment under Model Perturbation.

45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Sydney, Australia, July 2023.

Publication Type: 
Conference Articles