Courses Taught: Probability for Engineering Applications, Nonlinear Control, Systems Analysis Techniques, Engineering Lab I, Distributed Parameter Systems, Linear Systems, Multivariable Control, Dynamic Systems, Control Systems Engineering, Introduction to Engineering Analysis, Robotics and Automation, Robotics I, Computer Architecture, Network, and Organization, Signals and Systems, Optimal Control, Adaptive Systems, Modeling and Analysis of Uncertainties
Robotics I background assessment quesetionnaire
- Fall 2024: ECSE Enrichment Seminar
- Spring 2024: Multivarable Control
- Spring 2021: Robotics II
- Fall, 2020: Robotics I
- Fall, 2019, Robot Dynamics and Control
- Fall, 2018: Robotics I
- Fall, 2017: Robotics I: Sample Projects Syllabus
- Fall, 2016: Robotics I: Sample Projects
- Fall, 2015: Robotics I
- Spring, 2015: Modeling and Analysis of Uncertainties
- Fall, 2013: Robotics I
- Fall, 2012: Robotics I: Sample Projects
- Spring, 2012: Optimal Control
- Fall, 2011: Robotics I: Sample Projects
- Spring, 2011: Adaptive Systems