Application of a Passivity Based Control Methodology for Flexible Joint Robots to a Simplified Shuttle RMS Arm


A passivity approach for the control design of flexible joint robots is applied to the rate control of a three-link arm modeled after the shoulder yaw joint of the Space Shuttle Remote Manipulator System (RMS). The system model includes friction and elactic joint couplings modeled as nonlinear springs. The basic structure of the proposed controller is the sum of a model-based feedforward and a model-independent feedback. A regulator approach with link state feedback is employed to define the desired motor state. Passivity theory is used to design a motor state-based controller in order to stabilize the error system formed by the feedforward. Simulation results show that greatly improved performance is obtained by using the proposed controller over the existing RMS controller.

P. Sicard, J. Wen (1992). Application of a Passivity Based Control Methodology for Flexible Joint Robots to a Simplified Shuttle RMS Arm.

American Control Conference, June, 1992, pp.1690–1694.

Publication Type: 
Conference Articles