We present a novel system to achieve coordinated task-based control on a dual-arm industrial robot for the general tasks of visual servoing and bimanual hybrid motion/force control. The industrial robot, consisting of a rotating torso and two seven degree-of-freedom arms, performs autonomous vision-based target alignment of both arms with the aid of fiducial markers, two-handed grasping and force control, and robust object manipulation in a tele-robotic framework. The operator uses hand motions to command the desired position for the object via Microsoft Kinect while the autonomous force controller maintains a stable grasp. Gestures detected by the Kinect are also used to dictate different operation modes. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach using a variety of common objects with different sizes, shapes, weights, and surface compliances.
IEEE Transaction on Automation Science and Engineering, 12(1), Jan, 2015, pp. 4-18.