John T. Wen

John T. Wen
Professor and Department Head
Contact Information: 

John T. Wen is a Professor and the Head of Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.  He has a joint appointment in the Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Nuclear Engineering.  He was the Head of Industrial and Systems Engineering from 2013-2018, Director of the Center for Automation Technologies and Systems (CATS) from 2005-2013, and the Interim Director of the NSF Smart Lighting Engineering Research Center (ERC) in 2009. 

As the Director of the CATS, a New York State designated Center for Advanced Technology, he successfully led the ten-year re-designation in 2009 . The CATS helped industry partners generate over $340M of economic impact in the state and over 900 new and retained jobs.  As the Interim Director of the Smart Lighting ERC from Jun-Dec 2009, he successfully led the first ERC annual review and recruited a permanent director to the center.   He was the Rensselaer representative on the Advanced Manufacturing Partnership (AMP) 2.0 operating committee from 2013-2014. He led the Rensselaer participation in the Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM) Institute, a Manufacturing USA Institute awarded by the Department of Defense in 2017.  He serves on the ARM Technical Advisory Council and co-leads with FuzeHub the ARM Mid-Atlantic Regional Robotics Innovation Collaborative (RRIC).  

He is the co-inventor of the Adaptive Scanning Optical Microscope (ASOM), which was licensed to Thorlabs in 2007.  The commercialized version of ASOM won the 2007 Laser Focus World Innovation Award in the Conference in Lasers and Electro Optics (CLEO).  He was awarded the 2013 IEEE Control Systems Society Transition to Practice Award.  He served as an Oversea Assessor for the Chinese Academy of Sciences from 2004-2009, and a Senior Visiting Scientist of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) in 1997.  He has been an IEEE Fellow since 2001.

John Wen joined Rensselaer faculty in 1988.  He was a member of technical staff at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory developing modeling and control algorithms for large space structures and space robots from 1985-1988.  From 1981-1982, he was a system engineer at Fisher Controls developing plant-wide coordination control system for pulp and paper plants. 

He received B.Eng. from McGill University in 1979, M.S. from University of Illinois in 1981, and Ph.D. from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1985, all in Electrical Engineering.

John Wen's research interest lies in the modeling and control of dynamical systems with applications to precision motion, robot manipulation, thermal management, lighting systems and materials processing.



Ph.D., Electrical Engineering. Concentration: Control Systems. 1/83-8/85. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY.
M.S., Electrical Engineering. Concentration: Control Systems. 1/80-5/81. University of Illinois, Champaign, IL.
M.S. Candidate, Electrical Engineering. Concentration: Control Systems. 9/79-12/79. University of Toronto, Toronto, ONT, Canada.
B. Eng., Electrical Engineering. Honors Program. 9/76-8/79. McGill University, Montreal, QUE, Canada.

Research Interests: 
John Wen’s research is in the area of control theory and applications, particularly for hard problems that lie at the intersection of multiple disciplines. These problems are frequently characterized by complex, nonlinear, and imprecise models and multiple design objectives. Wen has drawn extensively on the passivity theory – an intuitive and powerful control design tool due to its natural connection to the Lyapunov method and its applicability to broad classes of dynamical systems. For performance and optimality, other system-theoretic tools are applied as needed, e.g., model identification, model reduction, multi-objective optimization, optimal control, image and signal processing. The numerous control applications that Wen has addressed broadly fit under motion, heat, and light, and their interactions. Motion research involves precision motion control (high speed scanning and motion planning in electronic manufacturing) and robotics (multi-robot cooperation, assistive robot, robotic satellite servicing, industrial robots in manufacturing). The focus for heat related research has been on thermo-fluid systems (two-phase heat transfer, vapor compression cycle, critical heat flux, thermal and flow instabilities) and building thermal management (temperature and humidity with human feedback and energy minimization). For light, the focus is in light-based circadian rhythm and sleep control (e.g., for shift workers, international and space travels, military personnel) and light field control using tunable light sources. In the intersection of motion and heat, Wen has studied thermal-compensation in precision motion systems, and more recently, thermo-mechanical processing of metal alloys (e.g., Ti6Al4V), combining modeling (Monte Carlo, Phase Field), imaging (SEM), and feedforward/feedback control. In the intersection of motion and light, his work has involved adaptive optics (in large field microscopy), beam steering (for laser electronic manufacturing), and blur-based estimation. In the intersection of heat and light, his interest is in the distributed building control, including both thermal and visual environments. The overarching theme that encompass all these applications is smart environment, including living environment, commercial environment, and manufacturing environment.
Awards & Honors: 
  • William H. Wiley Distinguished Faculty Award, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, May, 2020
  • 2020 International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications Best Paper Award for the article “Human-directed coordinated control of an assistive mobile manipulator,” which was published in the International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications (co-author: Lu Lu, former post-doc, now at NJIT), October 2020
  • IEEE Transaction on Automation Science and Engineering Best Paper Award, 2015
  • IEEE Control Systems Society Transition to Practice Award, 2013
  • Rensselaer School of Engineering Outstanding Team Award, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2010
  • Innovation in Optomechatronic Research Award, SPIE Symposium on Optomecharonic Technologies, San Diego, 2008.
  • Rensselaer School of Engineering Outstanding Research Award, 2007.
  • Best Conference Paper Award, IEEE Conf. on Automation Science and Engineering, Shanghai, 2006
  • Oversea Assessor, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2004-2009
  • Fellow of IEEE, 2001
  • Senior Visiting Scientist, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), 1997
  • ASEE/NASA Summer Faculty Fellow at Jet Propulsion Laboratory, summer 1993
  • National Science Foundation Research Initiation Award, 1989
  • Eleven NASA Tech Brief Awards from 1986-1988
Professional Experience: 
1/19-Present Professor and Head, Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY
7/13-12/18 Professor and Head, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY.
7/05-12/13 Director, Center for Automation Technologies and Systems, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY.
6/09-12/09 Interim Director, Smart Lighting Engineering Research Center, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY.
6/96-Present Professor, Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering, joint appointments in Mechanical, Aerospace, and Nuclear Engineering, and Industrial and Systems Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY.
9/91-5/96 Associate Professor, Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY.
9/88-8/91 Assistant Professor, Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY.
9/85-8/88 Member of Technical Staff, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA.
6/81-12/82 Systems Engineer, Fisher Control Company, Marshalltown, IA.

Courses Taught

Probability for Engineering Applications, Nonlinear Control, Systems Analysis Techniques, Engineering Lab I, Distributed Parameter Systems, Linear Systems, Multivariable Control, Dynamic Systems, Control Systems Engineering, Introduction to Engineering Analysis, Robotics and Automation, Robotics I, Computer Architecture, Network, and Organization, Signals and Systems, Optimal Control, Adaptive Systems, Modeling and Analysis of Uncertainties

Student Supervision

Completed Ph.D.: 39. Completed M.S.: 49. Ph.D. in progress: 8.

Professional Activities

  • Technical Advisory Council member, Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM) Institute, 2018-2020.
  • Co-Lead, ARM Regional Robotics Innovation Collaborative (RRIC) Mid-Atlantic Region, 2017-2020.
  • Senior Editor of IEEE Transaction on Automation Science and Engineering, 2013-2018.
  • Senior Editor of IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2015-2018.
  • Associate Editor of Robotica, 2008-2011.
  • Associate Editor of Journal of Optomechatronics, 2007-2012.
  • Associate Editor of IEEE Transaction on Robotics and Automation 1994-1998, 2004-2008.
  • Program Chair of the Third Annual CIRSSE Conference, 1991.
  • Publication Chair of 1994 American Control Conference.
  • Publication Chair of 1995 Conference on Control Applications.
  • General Chair, 2010 IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE).
  • Special Session Chair, 2011 American Control Conference.

University Service

  • Intellectual Property Faculty Steering Committee, 2014-present
  • Chair of School of Engineering Graduate Studies Task Force, 2015
  • Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute representative on the Advanced Manufacturing Partnership (AMP) 2.0 Operating Committee 2013-2014
  • School of Engineering Dean Search Committee 2008, 2013
  • ISE, ECSE, and MANE Faculty Search Committees 2002, 2008, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
  • ECSE Chair Search Committee, 1999, 2008

Patents & Licensing

  • Santosh Gupta, Koushik Kar, Sandipan Mishra, John T. Wen. Collaborative Energy Management System.

    U.S. Patent 11,029,049B2 (June 8, 2021)

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • Jiaxiang Zhang, John T. Wen, Agung Julius. Circadian Phase Estimation, Modeling and Control.

    U.S. Patent 10,896,739B2 (January 19, 2021) 10,529,440 (January 6, 2020).

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • John T. Wen, Jonas Braasch, Utkarsh Sinha, Andrew Cunningham, William Keddy-Hector, Dan Kruse, David Whalen, Lu Lu. Mobile Human Friendly Assistive Robot.

    U.S. Patent 10,265,227 (April 23, 2019)

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • John Wason, John T. Wen, Jason Gorman, Nicholas Dagalakis.. System and method for probe-based high precision spatial orientation control and assembly of parts for microassembly using computer vision.

    U.S. Patent 8,746,310. June 10, 2014

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • Yves Bellouard, Ben Potsaid, John T. Wen.. Adaptive Scanning Optical Microscope.

    U.S. Patent 7,742,213 (June 22, 2010) and China Patent CN ZL 2005 8 0045412.6 (Jan 27, 2010)

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • David Watt, Mehmet Alpay, Mark Unrath, Ben Potsaid, John T. Wen. Adaptive Command Filtering for Servomechanism Control Systems.

    U.S. Patent 7,345,448. March 18, 2008.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • Y. Bellouard, B. Potsaid, J.T. Wen. Microscope with Extended Field of Vision.

    U.S. Patent 7,253,946. August 7, 2007.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • B.Laundry, G. Liu, G. Montemayor, D. Popa, M. Taylor, J.T. Wen. Crane control apparatus and method.

    U.S. Patent 7,028,856. April 18, 2006.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • B.Laundry, G. Liu, G. Montemayor, D. Popa, M. Taylor, J.T. Wen. Crane control system.

    U.S. Patent 6,796,447. September 28, 2004.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • C.J. Bernard, H. Kang, B.L. Sachs, S.K. Singh, J.T. Wen. Robotic system, docking station, and surgical tool for collaborative control in minimally invasive surgery.

    U.S. Patent # 6,325,808 issued December 4, 2001.

    [Publication, Abstract]

Current Research Grants

Completed Research Grants


  • J.T. Wen, S. Mishra (Ed.) (2018). Intelligent Building Control Systems: A Survey of Modern Building Control and Sensing Strategies.


    [Publication, Abstract]
  • H. Bai, M. Arcak, J.T. Wen (2011). Cooperative Control: A Systematic Passivity-Based Approach.


    [Publication, Abstract]

Book Chapters

  • John T. Wen, John Wason, Dan Kruse, Yuan-Chih Peng, Shuyang Chen (2020). Collaborative Industrial Robot Control: from Safe Motion to Multi-Robot Manipulation.

    in Recent Advances in Industrial Robotics, edited by Craig Schlenoff, Venkat Krovi, Satyandra Gupta, Advanced Manufacturing Book series. World Scientific Series in Advanced Manufacturing "Manufacturing in the Era of 4th Industrial Revolution."

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • John T. Wen (2019). Building Comfort and Environmental Control.

    Encyclopedia of Systems and Control, Living Edition, Editors: John Baillieul, Tariq Samad, Springer, London, 2019.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • J.T. Wen, D.T. Pollock, Z. Yang (2018). Hierarchical Systems Level Thermal Management for Multiple High Transient Heat Loads.

    in Encyclopedia Of Two-Phase Heat Transfer And Flow III, John R. Thome (Editor-in-Chief), World Scientific Publishers, 2018.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • L. Parker, H. Akeel, S.J. Hu, K.S. Whitefoot, J.T. Wen (2018). Robotic Systems for Smart Manufacturing.

    in An Assessment of the Smart Manufacturing Activities at the National Institute of Standards and Technology Engineering Laboratory: Fiscal Year 2017, The National Academies Press, 2018.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • L. Lu, J.T. Wen (2017). Baxter-On-Wheels (BOW): An Assistive Mobile Manipulator for Mobility Impaired Individuals.

    in Trends in Control and Decision-Making for Human–Robot Collaboration Systems, Ed. by Y. Wang and F. Zhang, Springer-Verlag, London, U.K., 2017.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • J. Wen, L.S. Wilfinger (1998). Kinematic Manipulability of General Mechanical Systems.

    in Complex Robotic Systems, Ed. by P. Chiacchio & S. Chiaverini, Springer-Verlag, London, U.K., 1998. pp.33–78.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • A. Divelbiss, S. Seereeram, J.T. Wen (1998). Kinematic Path Planning for Robots with Holonomic and Nonholonomic Constraints.

    in Essays on Mathematical Robotics, Ed. by J.B. Baillieul, S.S. Sastry, H.J. Sussmann, The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications, Vol.104, Springer-Verlag, NY, 1998. pp.127–150.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • J.T. Wen (1995). Control of Nonholonomic Systems.

    in Control Handbook, Ed. by W. Levine, CRC Press, 1995, pp.1359–1368.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • J. Wen (1986). On Minimum Time Control of Robot Manipulators.

    in Recent Trends in Robotics, Modeling, Control and Education, Ed. by M. Jamshidi, J.Y.S. Luh and M. Shahinpoor, North-Holland, 1986.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • J.T. Wen, M. Balas (1985). Direct Adaptive Control in Hilbert Space.

    in Adaptive and Learning Systems, Theory and Applications, Ed. by K.S. Narendra, Plenum Press, NY, 1985.

    [Publication, Abstract]

Archival Journals

  • Alex Elias and John T. Wen (2025). IK-Geo: Unified robot inverse kinematics using subproblem decomposition .

    Mechanism and Machine Theory, March, 2025. 

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • Honglu He, Chen-lung Lu, Jinhan Ren, Joni Dhar, Glenn Saunders, John Wason, Johnson Samuel, Agung Julius, John T. Wen (2025). Open-Source Software Architecture for Multi-Robot Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM)   .

    Applications in Engineering Science, March 2025.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • Honglu He, John T. Wen (2025). Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing with Infrared Image Feedback.

    ASME Letters in Translational Robotics, February 17, 2025.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • Chen-Lung Lu, Honglu He, Jinhan Ren, Joni Dhar, Glenn Saunders, Agung Julius, Johnson Samuel, John T. Wen (2025). Multi-Robot Scan-n-Print for Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing.

    ASME Letters in Translational Robotics, February 5, 2025. 

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • Zidi Tao, Agung Julius, and John T. Wen (2024). Time-Optimal Circadian Rhythm Entrainment Is Not Robust.

    IEEE Control Systems Letters,  Vol 8, May 28 2024, pp. 952-975. 

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • Honglu He, Chen-Lung Lu, Glenn Saunders, Pinghai Yang, Jeffrey Schoonover, Leo Ajdelsztajn, John Wason, Santiago Paternain, Agung Julius, John Wen (2024). Fast and Accurate Relative Motion Tracking for Dual Industrial Robots.

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 9(11), November, 2024, pp.10153-10160.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • Alex Elias, John T. Wen (2024). Redundancy parameterization and inverse kinematics of 7-DOF revolute manipulators .

    Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 204, December, 2024.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • Chukwuemeka O.Ike, John T.Wen, Meeko M.K.Oishi, Lee K.Brown, A. Agung Julius (2022). Fast tuning of observer-based circadian phase estimator using biometric data.

    Heliyon, Volume 8, Issue 12, December, 2022.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • Jiawei Yin, A. Agung Julius, John T. Wen, Zhen Wang, Chuanlin He, Lei Kou (2022). Human Alertness Optimization with A Three-Process Dynamic Model.

    Mathematics 10(11), 1916, Dynamical Systems Section, Special Issue on Control Problem of Nonlinear Systems with Applications, June 2022.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • Qi Jin, John T. Wen, Shankar Narayanan (2022). Effect of Oscillatory Heat Load on Pressure Drop Oscillation.

    International Journal of Heat and Masst Transfer, Volume 194, 123077, 15 September 2022.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • David S. Carabis and John T. Wen (2022). Trajectory Generation for Flexible-Joint Space Manipulators.

    Journal on Frontiers in Robotics and AI, section Space Robotics.  Vol. 9, March, 2022.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • Qi Jin, John T. Wen, Shankar Narayan (2022). Oscillatory valve effect on temperature synchronization in microchannel cooling systems.

    Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 204, 2022.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • Qi Jin, John T. Wen, Shankar Narayanan (2021). Experimental Study and Mitigation of Pressure Drop Oscillation using Active Control.

    ASME Journal of Electronic Packaging, Special Issue: A Tribute to Prof. Avram Bar-Cohen, 143(4): 040301, December, 2021

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • Qi Jin, Charles C. Okaeme, John T. Wen, Shankar Narayanan (2021). A Comparison of Finite Element and Lumped Modeling Techniques to Analyze Flow Boiling in Microchannels.

    IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, doi: 10.1109/TCPMT.2021.3095148. July 2021.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • Jiawei Yin, A. Agung Julius, John T. Wen (2021). Optimization of light exposure and sleep schedule for circadian rhythm entrainment.

    PLOS ONE, 16(6): e0251478, June 8, 2021.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • Shuyang Chen and John T. Wen (2021). Industrial Robot Trajectory Tracking Control Using Multi-Layer Neural Networks Trained by Iterative Learning Control.

    Robotics, 10(1):50, Special Issue on Robotics and AI, March, 2021.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • Yuan-Chih Peng, Shuyang Chen, Devavrat Jivani John Wason, William Lawler, Glenn Saunders, Richard J. Radke, Jeff Trinkle, Shridhar Nath, and John T. Wen (2021). Sensor-Guided Assembly of Segmented Structures with Industrial Robots.

    Applied Sciences, 11(6):2669, Applied Industrial Technologies Section, Special Issue on Advanced Robotics Applications in Industry, March 2021.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • Jiawei Yin, Agung Julius, John T. Wen, John Hanifin, George Brainard (2021). Automatic Sleeping Time Estimation and Mild TBI Detection Using Actigraphy Data.

    Journal on Biomedical Signal Processing and Control,, January, 2021.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • David Carabis, Kimberly Oakes, John T. Wen (2021). Manipulation of Massive Objects in Space Using Flexible Joint Manipulators.

    AIAA Journal on Guidance, Dynamics, and Control, 44(5), January 2021.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • Q. Jin, J.T. Wen, S. Narayanan (2021). The Analysis and Prediction of Pressure Drop Oscillation in Phase-change Cooling Systems  .

    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 165, Feb. 2021.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • Q. Jin, S. Narayanan, J.T. Wen (2021). Dynamic Control of Microchannel Cooling System with Unanticipated Evaporator Heat Loads.

    Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 183, Part 2, Jan, 2021.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • Q. Jin, J.T. Wen, S. Narayanan (2020). Moving boundary model for dynamic control of multi- evaporator cooling systems facing variable heat loads.

    International Journal on Refrigeration, Vol.120, December, 2020, pp. 481-492.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • Q. Jin , J. T. Wen, S. Narayanan (2020). Temperature Synchronization in Microchannel Cooling Systems.

    International Journal of Thermal Sciences. Vol 156, October, 2020.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • Jiawei Yin, Agung Julius, John T. Wen, Meeko M. K. Oishi, Lee K. Brown (2020). Actigraphy-based Parameter Tuning Process for Adaptive Notch Filter and Circadian Phase Shift Estimation.

    Chronobiology International,,  August 31, 2020.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • Shuyang Chen, Zhigang Wang, Abhijit Chakraborty, Glenn Saunders, John Wen (2020). Robotic Deep Rolling with Iterative Learning Motion and Force Control.

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 5581-5588, Oct. 2020,

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • Chengjian Zheng, John T. Wen, Mamadou L. Diagne (2020). Distributed Temperature Control in Laser-Based Manufacturing.

    ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 142(6), June, 2020.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • Chengjian Zheng, Yixuan Tan, John T. Wen, Antoinette M. Maniatty (2020). Active Grain Growth Control with Distributed Heating.

    183, January 2020, Pages 301-312, Acta Materialia,

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • Q. Jin, S. Narayanan, J.T. Wen (2020). Dynamic Control of Pressure Drop Oscillation in a Microchannel Cooling System.

    HTE-MNF 2018 Special Issue, Heat Transfer Engineering, Jan 2020

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • A. Agung Julius, Jiawei Yin, John T. Wen (2019). Time Optimal Entrainment Control for Circadian Rhythm.

    PLoS ONE 14(12):e0225988. December 18, 2019.  

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • Joseph D.Gleason, Meeko K. Oishi, John T. Wen, Agung Julius, Suguna Pappu, Howard Yonas (2019). Assessing circadian rhythms and entrainment via intracranial temperature after severe head trauma.

    Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Volume 54, September, 2019.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • S. Narayanan, J.T. Wen, Q. Jin (2019). Characteristics of Pressure Drop Oscillation in a Microchannel Cooling System.

    Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 160, September, 2019.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • M. Minakais, S. Mishra, J.T. Wen (2019). Database-Driven Iterative Learning for Building Temperature Control.

    IEEE Transaction on Automation Science and Engineering, 16(4), October, 2019, pp.1896-1906.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • H. Bai and J.T. Wen (2019). Asymptotic Synchronization of Phase Oscillators with a Single Input.

    IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, 10.1109/TAC.2018.2850286, 64(4), April, 2019, pp. 1611-1618.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • C. Okaeme, S. Mishra, J.T. Wen (2018). Passivity-Based Thermohygrometric Control in Buildings.

    IEEE Transaction on Control Systems Technology, 26(5), September 2018, pp. 1661-1672.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • Y. Peng, D.S. Carabis, J.T. Wen (2018). Collaborative Manipulation with Multiple Dual-Arm Robots under Human Guidance.

    International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications, 2(2), pp. 252–266, 2018.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • S. Gupta, K. Kar, S. Mishra, J.T. Wen (2018). Incentive Mechanism for Truthful Occupant Comfort Feedback in Human-in-the-loop Building Thermal Management.

    IEEE Systems Journal, 12(4), December, 2018, pp. 3725-3736.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • S. Gupta, K. Kar, S. Mishra, J.T. Wen (2018). Singular Perturbation Method For Smart Building Temperature Control Using Occupant Feedback.

    Asian Journal of Control, 20(1), January 2018, Pages 386-402

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • Z. Yang, D.T. Pollock, J.T. Wen (2017). Optimization and Predictive Control of a Vapor Compression Cycle under Transient Pulse Heat Load.

    International Journal of Refrigeration, 75, Mar. 2017, pp. 14-25. 

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • Y. Tan, A. Maniatty, C. Zheng, J.T. Wen (2017). Monte Carlo grain growth modeling with local temperature gradients.

    Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 25(6) June (2017) 065003

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • W. Qiao, J.T. Wen, A. Julius (2017). Entrainment Control of Phase Dynamics.

    IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, 62(1), Jan, 2017, pp. 445-450.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • C. Zheng, G.P.S. Balasubramanian, Y. Tan, A.M. Maniatty, R. Hull and J.T. Wen (2017). Simulation, Microfabrication and Control of a Micro-Heater Array.

    IEEE Transaction on Mechatronics, 22(4), Aug, 2017, pp. 1914-1919. DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2017.2650682

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • Y. Tan, C. Zheng, J.T. Wen, A.M. Maniatty (2017). Inverse heat transfer analysis for design and control of a micro-heater array.

    Inverse Problems in Science & Engineering, 25(9), pp.1259-1277, Sep, 2017.  DOI: 10.1080/17415977.2016.1240791

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • L. Lu, J.T. Wen (2017). Human-Directed Coordinated Control of Assistive Mobile Manipulator.

    International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications, 1(1), Feb, 2017, pp.104-120.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • J.T. Wen (2016). Book Review of Passivity-Based Control and Estimation in Networked Robotics.

    72, Automatica, Oct. 2016, pp. 251–252.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • A. Julius, J. Zhang, W. Qiao, J.T. Wen (2016). Multi-input Adaptive Notch Filter and Observer for Circadian Phase Estimation.

    International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 30 (8–10), Aug–Oct, 2016. pp.1375–1388. DOI: 10.1002/acs.2659

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • S. Gupta, K. Kar, S. Mishra, J.T. Wen (2016). BEES: Real-Time Occupant Feedback and Environmental Learning Framework For Collaborative Thermal Management in Multi-Zone, Multi-Occupant Buildings.

    Energy & Buildings, 125, 2016, pp. 142-152.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • J. Zhang, W. Qiao, J.T. Wen, A. Julius (2016). Light-Based Circadian Rhythm Control: Entrainment and Optimization.

    Automatica, 68, June, 2016. pp. 44-55.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • J. Tani, S. Mishra, J.T. Wen (2016). Motion Blur-Based State Estimation.

    IEEE Transaction on Control Systems Technology, 24(3), May 2016, pp. 1012-1019.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • P. Balasubramanian, C.J. Zheng, Y. Tan, G. Kane, A. Maniatty, J.T. Wen, R. Hull (2016). Substrates with Programmable Heater Arrays for In-Situ Observation of Microstructural Evolution of Polycrystalline Films: Towards Real Time Control of Grain Growth.

    MRS Advance, 1(26), April, 2016, pp. 1947-1952.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • D. Kruse, J.T. Wen, R.J. Radke (2015). Sensor-Based Dual-Arm Tele-Robotic System.

    IEEE Transaction on Automation Science and Engineering, 12(1), Jan, 2015, pp. 4-18.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • D.T. Pollock, Z. Yang, J.T. Wen (2015). Dryout avoidance control for multi-evaporator vapor compression cycle cooling.

    Applied Energy, Dec, 2015. pp. 266-285.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • S. Gupta, K. Kar, S. Mishra, J.T. Wen (2015). Collaborative Energy and Comfort Management Through Distributed Consensus Algorithms.

    IEEE Transaction on Automation Science and Engineering, 12(4), Oct, 2015, pp.1285-1296.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • Z. Yang, D.T. Pollock, J.T. Wen (2015). Gain-Scheduling Control of Vapor Compression Cycle for Transient Heat-Flux Removal.

    Control Engineering Practice, 39, Jun 2015, pp. 67-89.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • J. Braasch, R.J. Radke, J.T. Wen, M. Si, A. Cunningham, W. Keddy-Hector, U. Sinha (2014). Audio/visual concepts for human/robot communication in immersive virtual environments.

    The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 135(4), May 2014, pp.2169-2169.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • D.T. Pollock, Z. Yang, J.T. Wen, Y. Peles, M.K. Jensen (2014). Model-Based Control of Vapor Compression Cycles Transient Heat-Flux Removal.

    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 77, Oct., 2014, pp. 662–683.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • J. Tani, S. Mishra, J.T. Wen (2014). Identification of Fast-rate Systems using Slow-rate Image Sensor Measurements.

    IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 19(4), Aug. 2014, pp. 1343–1351.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • S. Afshari, S. Mishra, A. Julius, F. Lizarralde, J.D. Wason, J.T. Wen (2014). Modeling and Control of Color Tunable Lighting Systems Energy and Buildings.

    Energy and Buildings, 68(A), Jan, 2014, pp. 242-253.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • J. Catano, T. Zhang, J.T. Wen, M.K. Jensen, Y. Peles (2013). Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle for Electronics Cooling – Part I: Dynamic Modeling and Experimental Validation.

    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 66, Nov 2013, pp. 922-929.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • J. Catano, F. Lizarralde, T. Zhang, J.T. Wen, M.K. Jensen, Y. Peles (2013). Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle for Electronics Cooling – Part II: Gain-Scheduling Control for Critical Heat Flux Avoidance.

    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 66, Nov 2013, pp. 911-921.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • J.D. Wason, J.T. Wen, J.J. Gorman, N.G. Dagalakis (2012). Automated Multi-Probe Microassembly using Vision Feedback.

    IEEE Transaction on Robotics, 28(5), 2012, pp. 1090–1103.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • Z. Schilling, E. Frank, V. Magidson, J. Wason, J. Loncarek, K. Boyer, J. Wen, A. Khodjakov (2012). Predictive-focus illumination for reducing photodamage in live-cell microscopy.

    Journal of Microscopy, pp. 160-167, 246(2), May, 2012.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • T. Zhang, J.T. Wen, A. Julius, Y. Peles, M.K. Jensen (2011). Stability Analysis and Maldistribution Control of Two-Phase Flow in Parallel Evaporating Channels.

    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 54(25-26), Dec, 2011, pp. 5298–5305.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • T. Zhang, J.T. Wen, Y. Peles,J.E. Catano, R. Zhou, M.K. Jensen (2011). Two-Phase Refrigerant Flow Instability Analysis and Active Control in Transient Electronics Cooling Systems.

    International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 37(1), Jan, 2011, pp. 84-97.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • R. Zhou, T. Zhang, J. Catano, J.T. Wen, G.J. Michna, Y. Peles, M.K. Jensen (2010). The Steady-State Modeling and Optimization of a Refrigeration System for High Heat Flux Removal.

    Applied Thermal Engineering, 30(16), November 2010, pp. 2347-2356.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • C. Scott, B. Potsaid, John T. Wen (2010). Wide Field Scanning Telescope using MEMS Deformable Mirrors.

    International Journal on Optomechatronics, 4(3), Sep, 2010, pp. 285-305.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • H. Bai, J.T. Wen (2010). Cooperative Load Transport: A Formation Control Perspective.

    IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 26(4), August, 2010, pp. 742-749.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • P. E. Phelan, Y. Gupta, H. Tyagi, R. S. Prasher, J. Catano, G. Michna, R. Zhou, J. Wen, M. Jensen, Y. Peles (2010). Energy Efficiency of Refrigeration Systems for High-Heat-Flux Microelectronics.

    ASME Journal of Thermal Science & Engineering Applications, 2(3), pp. 031004, Dec. 2010.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • T.J. Zhang, Y. Peles, J.T. Wen, T. Tong, J.Y. Chang, R. Prasher, M. Jensen (2010). Analysis and Active Control of Pressure-Drop Flow Instabilities in Boiling Microchannel Systems.

    International Journal on Heat and Mass Transfer, 53(11-12), May, 2010, pp. 2347-2360.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • L.I. Rivera, B. Potsaid, J.T. Wen (2010). Image Tracking of Multiple C. Elegans Worms Using Adaptive Scanning Optical Microscope (ASOM).

    International Journal on Optomechatronics, 4(1), March, 2010, pp. 1-21.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • N. Chakraborty, S. Akella, J. T. Wen (2010). Coverage of a Planar Point Set with Multiple Robots subject to Geometric Constraints.

    IEEE Transaction on Automation Science and Engineering, 7(1), Jan, 2010, pp. 111-122.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • T. Tong, T.J. Zhang, J.Y. Chang, Y. Peles, R. Prasher, M. Jensen, J. Wen, P. Phelan (2009). Ledinegg instability in microchannels.

    International Journal on Heat and Mass Transfer, 52 (25-26), December, 2009, pp.5661-5674.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • B. Potsaid, F. Finger, J.T. Wen (2009). Automation of Challenging Spatial-Temporal Biomedical Observations with the Adaptive Scanning Optical Microscope (ASOM).

    IEEE Transaction on Automation Science and Engineering, 6(3), July, 2009, pp.525-535.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • H. Bai, M. Arcak and J.T. Wen (2009). Adaptive motion coordination: using relative velocity information to track a reference velocity.

    Automatica, 45, 2009, pp.1020-1025.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • T. Alpcan, X. Fan, T. Basar, M. Arcak, J.T. Wen (2008). Power Control for Multicell CDMA Wireless Networks: a Team Optimization Approach.

    Wireless Networks, 14(5), pp.647-657, October 2008.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • H. Bai, M. Arcak, J.T. Wen (2008). An Adaptive Design for Reference Velocity Recovery in Motion Coordination.

    Systems & Control Letters, 57(8), August, 2008, pp.602-610.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • B. Potsaid and J.T. Wen (2008). Design of Adaptive Optics Based Systems Using High Fidelity MEMS Deformable Mirror Models.

    International Journal of Optomechatronics, 2(2), June 2008, pp. 104-125.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • B. Potsaid and J.T. Wen (2008). Adaptive Scanning Optical Microscope (ASOM): large field of view and high resolution imaging using a MEMS deformable mirror.

    Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS (JM3), Special Issue on Silcon-Based MOEMS and Their Applications, 7(2), Apr-Jun, 2008.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • H. Bai, M. Arcak, J.T. Wen (2008). Rigid Body Attitude Coordination without Inertial Frame Information.

    Automatica, 44, 2008, pp. 3170-3175.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • B. Potsaid, J.T. Wen, M. Unrath, D. Watt, M. Alpay (2007). High Performance Motion Tracking Control for Electronic Manufacturing.

    ASME Journal on Dynamics, Measurement, & Control, 129(6), November, 2007, pp. 767–776.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • J. Yi, Q. Wang, D. Zhao, J.T. Wen (2007). BP Neural Network Prediction-based Variable-period Sampling Approach for Networked Control Systems.

    Applied Mathematics and Computation, 185, pp.976-988, 2007.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • J.F. O’Brien, J.T. Wen (2007). On the Elimination of Self-Motion in Parallel Mechanisms.

    International Journal of Automation, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 6(1), April 2007, pp. 5-16.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • X. Fan, K. Chandrayana, M. Arcak, S. Kalyanaraman, J.T. Wen (2006). A Two-Time-Scale Design for Edge-Based Detection and Rectification of Uncooperative Flows.

    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 14(6), December, 2006, pp. 1313-1322.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • B. Potsaid and J.T. Wen (2006). Active Optics Improve Microscope’s Field of View.

    Microscopy Today, 14(4), July 2006, pp. 16-22.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • X. Fan, T. Alpcan, M. Arcak, J.T. Wen, and T. Basar (2006). A Passivity Approach to Game-Theoretic CDMA Power Control.

    Automatica, 42(11), 2006, pp.1837-1847.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • B.-H. Kang, J.T. Wen, N.G. Dagalakis, J.J. Gorman (2005). Analysis and Design of Parallel Mechanisms with Flexure Joints.

    IEEE Transaction on Robotics, 21(6), Dec. 2005, pp.1179-1185.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • B. Potsaid, Y. Bellouard, J.T. Wen (2005). Adaptive Scanning Optical Microscope (ASOM): a multidisciplinary optical microscope design for large field and high resolution imaging.

    Optical Express, 13(17), Aug., 2005, pp.6504-6518.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • W. Gressick, J.T. Wen, J. Fish (2005). Order Reduction for Large-Scale Finite Element Models: A Systems Perspective.

    International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 3(3), 2005, pp.337-362.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • J.F. O’Brien, F. Jafari, and J.T. Wen (2005). Determination of Unstable Singularities in Parallel Robots with N-arms.

    IEEE Transaction on Robotics, February, 22(1), Feb. 2006, pp.160-167.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • X. Fan, M. Arcak, J.T. Wen (2004). A Robustness Analysis of Game-Theoretic CDMA Power Control.

    Elektrik, Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, Special Issue on Control of Communication Networks, 12(3), Nov, 2004, pp.139-150.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • S. Jung and J.T. Wen (2004). Nonlinear Learning and Model Predictive Control for the Swing-up of a Rotary Inverted Pendulum.

    ASME Journal on Dynamics, Measurements, and Control, 126(3), September 2004, pp. 666-673.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • X. Fan, M. Arcak, J.T. Wen (2004). Robustness of Network Flow Control Against Disturbances and Time-Delay.

    System and Control Letters, 53(1), 2004, pp.13-29.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • J.T. Wen and M. Arcak (2004). A Unifying Passivity Framework for Network Flow Control.

    IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, 49(2), Feb., 2004, pp.162–174.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • J. O’Brien and J.T. Wen (2003). Singularities in Three-Legged Platform-Type Parallel Mechanisms.

    IEEE Transaction on Robotics and Automation, 19(4), Aug. 2003, pp.720–725.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • J. O’Brien and J.T. Wen (2002). On Kinematic Instability of Parallel Robots.

    Electronic Journal of Computational Kinematics, 1(1), February, 2002.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • H. Kang and J.T. Wen (2001). Design and Implementation of a Robotic Assistant in Minimally Invasive Surgeries.

    IEEE Magazine Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, 20(1), Jan/Feb, 2001. pp.94–104.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • D. Popa and J.T. Wen (2000). Singularity Computation for Iterative Control of Nonlinear Affine Systems.

    Asian Journal of Control, 2(2), June, 2000, pp.57-75.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • C. Bernard, H. Kang, S.K. Singh, J.T. Wen (1999). Robotic System for Collaborative Control in Minimally Invasive Surgery.

    Industrial Robot, 26(6), Nov/Dec, 1999. pp.476-484.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • J.T. Wen, L.S. Wilfinger (1999). Kinematic Manipulability of General Constrained Rigid Multibody Systems.

    IEEE Transaction on Robotics and Automation, 15(3), June, 1999. pp.558-567.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • C. Dickinson, J.T. Wen (1998). Feedback Control Strategies for Shape Memory Alloy Actuators.

    Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 9(4), April, 1998, pp. 242-250.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • B. Tibbetts, J.T. Wen (1998). Extrusion Process Control: Modeling, Identification, and Optimization.

    IEEE Transaction on Control System Technology, 3, March, 1998, pp. 134-145.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • R. Beard, G.N. Saridis, J.T. Wen (1998). Approximate Solutions to the Time-Invariant Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation.

    Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 96(3), March 1998, pp. 589-626.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • R. Beard, G.N. Saridis, J.T. Wen (1997). Sufficient Conditions for the Convergence of Galerkin Approximations to the Hamilton-Jacobi Equation.

    Automatica, 33(12), December, 1997, pp.2159-2177.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • S.G. Shu, D.C. Lagoudas, D Hughes, J.T. Wen (1997). Modeling of a Flexible Beam Actuated by Shape Memory Alloy Wires.

    Journal on Smart Materials and Structures, Journal of Smart Materials and Structures, 6, June, 1997, pp. 265-277.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • D Hughes, J.T. Wen (1997). Preisach Modeling of Piezoceramic and Shape Memory Alloy Hysteresis.

    Journal on Smart Materials and Structures, Journal of Smart Materials and Structures, 6, June, 1997, pp. 287-300.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • A. Divelbiss, J.T. Wen (1997). A Path Space Approach to Nonholonomic Motion Planning in the Presence of Obstacles.

    IEEE Transaction on Robotics and Automation, 13(3), June, 1997, pp.443-451.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • A. Divelbiss, J.T. Wen (1997). Trajectory Tracking Control of a Car–Trailer System.

    IEEE Transaction on Control System Technology, 5(3), May, 1997, pp.269-278.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • R. Beard, G.N. Saridis, J.T. Wen (1996). Improving the Performance of Stabilizing Controls for Nonlinear Systems.

    IEEE Control System Magazine, October, 1996, pp.27–35.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • X. Chen, J.T. Wen (1996). Robustness Analysis for Linear Time Invariant Systems with Structured Incrementally Bounded Feedback Nonlinearities.

    Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 6(4), 1996, pp. 625–648.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • D. Hughes, J.T. Wen (1996). Passivity Motivated Controller Design for Flexible Structures.

    AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, May-June, 1996, pp.726–729.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • F. Lizarralde, J.T. Wen (1996). Attitude Control without Angular Velocity Measurement: A Passivity Approach.

    IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, March, 1996, pp.468–472.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • A. Kelkar, S. Joshi, J.T. Wen (1995). Robust Attitude Stabilization of Spacecraft Using Nonlinear Quaternion Feedback.

    IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, 40(10), October, 1995, pp.1800–1803.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • Seereeram, S., J.T. Wen (1995). A global approach to path planning for redundant manipulators.

    IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 11(1), Feb 1995, pp.152-160.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • X. Chen, J.T. Wen (1995). Positive Realness Preserving Model Reduction with H∞ Norm Error Bounds.

    IEEE Transaction on Circuits and Systems – I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, Jan, 1995, pp.23–29.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • W. Cheng, J.T. Wen (1994). A Two–Time–Scale Neural Controller for the Tracking Control of Rigid Manipulators.

    IEEE Transaction on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 24(7), July, 1994, pp. 991–1000.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • P. Akella, X. Chen, W. Cheng, D. Hughes, J.T. Wen (1994). Modeling and Control of Smart Structures with Bonded Piezoelectric Sensors and Actuators.

    Journal on Smart Materials and Structures, 3, pp.344-353, 1994.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • L.S. Wilfinger, J.T. Wen, S. Murphy (1994). Integral Force Control with Robustness Enhancement.

    IEEE Control System Magazine, 14(1), February, pp.31–40, 1994.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • S. Murphy, J.T. Wen (1993). Analysis of Active Manipulator Elements in Space Manipulation.

    IEEE Transaction on Robotics and Automation, Special Issue on Space Robotics, 9(5), October, pp.544–552, 1993.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • E. Castro, S. Seereeram, J. Singh, A. Desrochers, J.T. Wen (1993). A Real–Time Computer Controller for a Robotic Filament Winding System.

    Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 7(1), February 1993, pp.73–93.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • L. Lanari, J.T. Wen (1992). Asymptotically Stable Set Point Control Laws for Flexible Robots.

    System and Control Letters, 19, July–Aug, pp.119–129, 1992.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • J.T. Wen, K. Kreutz–Delgado (1992). Motion and Force Control of Multiple Robotic Manipulators.

    Automatica, 28(4), pp.729–743, 1992.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • J.T. Wen (1992). Stability of a Class of Interconnected Evolution Systems.

    IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, March, 1992, pp.342–347.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • J.T. Wen, K. Kreutz–Delgado, D. Bayard (1992). Lyapunov Function Based Control Laws for Revolute Robot Arms: Tracking Control, Robustness, and Adaptive Control.

    IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, 37 (2), February, 1992, pp.231–237.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • S. Seereeram, J.T. Wen (1991). An All–Geodesic Algorithm for Filament–Winding of a T–shaped Form.

    IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics, December, 1991, pp. 484–490.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • J.T. Wen, K. Kreutz–Delgado (1991). The Attitude Control Problem.

    IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, 36(10), October, 1991, pp.1148–1162.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • S. Murphy, J.T. Wen, G. Saridis (1991). Simulation of Cooperating Robot Manipulators on a Mobile Platform.

    IEEE Transaction on Robotics and Automation, 7(4), August, 1991, pp.468–478.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • J.T. Wen, S. Murphy (1991). Stability Analysis of Position and Force Control of Robot Arms.

    IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, 36(3), March, 1991, pp.365–371.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • J.T. Wen (1990). A Unified Perspective on Robot Control: The Energy Lyapunov Function Approach.

    International Journal on Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 4(6), 1990, pp.487–500.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • J.T. Wen, M. Balas (1989). Robust Adaptive Control in Hilbert Space.

    Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 143(1), Oct., 1989, pp.1–26.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • J.T. Wen (1989). Finite Dimensional Controller Design for Infinite Dimensional Systems: The Circle Criterion Approach.

    Systems and Control Letters, 13(5), December, 1989, pp.445–454.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • J.T. Wen (1988). Time Domain and Frequency Domain Conditions for Strict Positive Realness.

    IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, 33(10), Oct, 1988, pp.988–992.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • J.T. Wen, D. Bayard (1988). A New Class of Stabilizing Control Laws for Robotic Manipulators, Part I: Nonadaptive Case.

    International Journal of Control, 47(5), 1988, pp.1361–1385.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • D. Bayard, J.T. Wen (1988). A New Class of Stabilizing Control Laws for Robotic Manipulators, Part II: Adaptive Case.

    International Journal of Control, 47(5), 1988, pp.1387–1406.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • J.T. Wen, A. Desrochers (1987). An Algorithm for Obtaining Bang–Bang Control Laws.

    ASME J. Dynam. Syst. Meas. & Contr., 109, June, 1987, pp.171–175.

    [Publication, Abstract]

Invited Talks

  • John T. Wen (2024). Automated Robotic Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing with Integrated Sensing.

    ASTM International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing 2024, Atlanta, GA, October 31, 2024.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • John T. Wen (2024). Intelligent control in robotic additive manufacturing..

    GE Aerospace LEAD Symposium, Niskayuna, NY, October 1, 2024.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • John T. Wen (2024). Multi-Robot Coordination.

    Automate 2024, Chicago, IL, May 9, 2024.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • John Wen (2024). Convergent Manufacturing using Multiple Industrial Robots.

    JROBOT presentation, May 28, 2024.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • John T. Wen (2023). High Performance Robot Trajectory Tracking through Iterative Learning and Optimization.

    Defense Manufacturing Conference (DMC) 2023, Nashville, TN, December 12, 2023.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • John T. Wen (2023). Fast and Accurate Tracking of 3D Curves.

    ROS-Industrial Annual Meeting, May 2023.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • John T. Wen (2022). Future of Industrial Robot Control.

    GE EDGE Symposium, Niskayuna, NY, 9/20/22

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • John T. Wen (2022). Bridging Industry and Academia.

    ARM Member-to-Member Talk, 3/9/22.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • John T. Wen (2019). Robot Assistant for Composites Manufacturing.

    CATS Advanced Manufacturing Conference, Troy, NY, May 1, 2019. 

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • John T. Wen (2019). Robot Assistant for Composites Manufacturing.

    ARM meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, June 25. 

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • John T. Wen (2019). SSCO Technology Development for Robotic Servicing Orbital Space Assets.

    Academic Partners Meeting, NASA Goddard, Greenbelt, MD, August 6. 

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • John T. Wen (2019). Active Transient Control of Two-Phase Cooling Systems.

    Itherm Invited Session on Thermal Management in the Aerospace, Automotive and Telecommunications Industries, Las Vegas, NV, May 29, 2019

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • John T. Wen (2019). Robot Assistant for Assembly of Large Composites Structures.

    2019 ASM Annual Symposium, Lifecycle of Materials, GE Research, Niskayuna, NY, June 4, 2019. 

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • John T. Wen (2019). Vision and Force Guided Robot-Assisted Assembly of Large Structures.

    Workshop on Robot Assisted Manufacturing: Challenges and Opportunities, American Control Conference, Philadelphia, PA, July 9, 2019.

    [Publication, Abstract]
  • John T. Wen (2019). Robotic Assembly of Large Structures using Vision and Force Guidance.

    ROS-Industrial Annual Meeting, April 12, 2019

    [Publication, Abstract]